The president of Kunduz University met with the presidents of private universities in Kunduz province.

Wed, Mar 01 2023 2:45 PM

The president of Kunduz University met with the presidents of private universities in Kunduz province.

On Tuesday 13/4/2020 A.C. which is the date of 1441 A.D.A.D., the president of Kunduz University, Mr. Pohnyar Ziauddin Seerat met with the presidents of private universities in Kunduz Province in Kunduz University.

The memorial meeting started with the speech of the president of Kunduz University Mr. Professor Ziauddin Seerat and expressed his happiness with the arrival of the presidents of private universities in Kunduz province, and also shared all topics with the participants regarding the agenda of the meeting.

After him, the presidents of private universities in Kunduz province thanked the leadership of Kunduz University for the achievements and good steps taken for the development and unity of Kunduz university and private universities of Kunduz province.

Kunduz University Public Relations and Public Relations Management.


The president of Kunduz University met with the president of private universities of Kunduz province.

Tuesday, 1398/5/1397 according to 1371/1398 AH, the honorable professor Ziaaldin Sirat, the head of Kunduz University met with the heads of universities and private higher education institutions of Kunduz Province, at the head of Kanduz University.

The meeting began with the lecture of professor Ziaaldin Sirat, the head of Kunduz University. He welcomed the visit of the presidents of private universities in Kunduz province and discussed with the participants about the agenda of the meeting.

After that, the respected presidents of private universities of Kunduz province in turn thanked the leadership of Kunduz University for their recent achievements in the development and unity of Kunduz university and private universities in Kunduz province.

Information and Public Relations Management of Kunduz University

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