The assistant of academic affairs of Kunduz University and the director of academic research attended the online meeting of the Ministry of Higher Education.

Mon, Apr 17 2023 10:02 AM

The assistant of academic affairs of Kunduz University and the director of academic research attended the online meeting of the Ministry of Higher Education.

Tuesday 23/9/14444 AH which corresponds to 1402/9/ 23, Professor Ghulam Nabi Chapand, Assistant Professor of Academic Affairs of Kunduz University.

Mr. Professor Gul Agha Anwari, the head of scientific research of Kunduz University participated in the online meeting of issuing license and documents of six international scientific-research magazines and eleven national scientific-reseearch magazines.

In the online meeting of research magazines, under the leadership of the ministry of higher education, Mr. Lutfullah Khairkhwa, which was held online, all the academic researches were attended by the director and the chiefs.

Mr. Dr. Latifullah Khairkhwa, the Deputy Commissioner of Higher Education, Mr. Dr. Lateefullah Khairkwa, informed the participants of the meeting about the new policies of the Ministry of Higher Education such as the creation of more academic journals, practical research centers, laboratories and Libraries have given information about how to handle it. Emphasis on the development of scientific research in Emirati universities and higher education institutions.

Kunduz University Public Awareness and Relations Management


Respected professor Ghulam Nabi Chapand, assistant professor of Kunduz University, and Mr. Gul Agha Anwari, director of scientific research at Kunduz University in the online meeting of granting the publication permit and credentialing program of six international scientific journals and eleven national research journals, which was held on 23/01/1402 under the leadership of the respected leadership. Dr. Lotfollah Khairkhawa, the scientific director of the Ministry of Education, participated in the online program.

In this meeting, the respected scientific deputies and the respected directors of scientific research of all universities and higher education institutions were invited, in addition to detailed discussions on the subject; the respected scientific deputy of the new policy of the honorable ministers of higher education for the support and progress of the university's scientific-research affairs Like the creation of more scientific magazines, equipping practical research centers, laboratories and libraries in the universities of the country, the participants of the information session were emphasized on the further progress of scientific research in Emirati universities and higher education institutions.

Information and Public Relations Management of Kunduz University

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