Continuation of the first day of three-day religious-academic seminar for the respected teachers of Kunduz University and private universities in Kunduz.

Sun, Mar 05 2023 2:55 PM

Continuation of the first day of three-day religious-academic seminar for the respected teachers of Kunduz University and private universities in Kunduz.

Kunduz province security commander Alhaj M Wolvi Dost Muhammad Obaida presented his views on the progress of NNZM to the participants.

It is a reminder that the seminar will last for three days.

Kunduz University Public Relations and Public Relations Management.

Continuation of the first day of the three-day religious-scientific seminar of Kunduz University professors and private universities of Kunduz province.

The respected commander of the security headquarters of Kunduz province, Alhaj M Wolvi Dost Mohammad Abideh informed the participants about recent military developments.

It is a reminder that this seminar will last for three days.

Communication and Public Awareness Management of Kunduz University

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