The first meeting of quality assurance was held by the leadership of Kunduz University.

Mon, Apr 17 2023 10:13 AM

The first meeting of quality assurance was held by the leadership of Kunduz University.

Thursday 22/9/1444 which is equivalent to 24/1/1402 AD, the first meeting of the year 1402 was held under the leadership of Mr. Pohnyar Ziauddin Seerat, President of Kunduz University.

The meeting was attended by Professor Ghulam Nabi Chapand, Assistant for Student Affairs Mr. Abdul Qudoos Asoli, Director of Quality Management Mr. Professor Gulistan Khirandesh, Presidents of the faculties and members of the committee.

The meeting started by welcoming the president of Kunduz University Mr. Professor Ziauddin Seerat and asked all participants to hear about the latest achievements and future plans and problems.

Followed by the Director of Quality Management Mr. Pohnmal Gulistan Khairandesh shared information about the recent developments, current problems and plans of the year 1402 AH with participants.

Mr. Professor Ghulam Nabi Chapand, the assistant professor of Kunduz University, asked all the participants to submit their work quickly and in a good way according to the 11 standard quality assurance and documentation.

In the same way, Kunduz University's assistant for student affairs Mr. Professor Abdul Qadoos Osoli, the presidents of the faculties shared their reports and current problems with the leadership of Kunduz University.

The leadership of Kunduz University thanked all the participants and gave full assurance about solving the existing problems.

The meeting ended with the prayers of Mr. Professor Abdul Qadoos Asoli, Assistant for Student Affairs of Kunduz University.

Kunduz University Public Awareness and Relations Management


The first meeting of the year 1402 Quality Assurance of Kunduz University was held.

Thursday, date 22/9/1444 Q according to 24/1/1402 AH. The first meeting of the year 1402 was held under the leadership of professor Ziauddin Sirat, the head of this scientific institution.

This meeting was held with the participation of Professor Ghulam Nabi Chapand, Assistant of Academic Affairs, Honorable Abdul Qudoos Asuli, Assistant of Students Affairs, Honorable Professor Gulistan Khairandish, Commissioner of Quality Assurance, Chairman of the Faculty and Honorable Members of the Committee of Kunduz University.

Respected professor Ziauddin Sirat welcomed the participants of this meeting and told the authorities about the necessary things and then Mr. Gulestan Khairandish, the head of Quality Assurance, Challenges and Achievements of 1401 and the plans of the 1402 academic year of Quality Assurance.

Also, the respected professor Ghulam Nabi Chapand, the deputy of scientific affairs of Kunduz University, emphasized on the completion of the 11 standards of quality assurance by the officials as soon as possible.

In continuation, Mr. Abdul Qudoos Osuli, the deputy of student affairs of Kunduz University, and the respected president of the faculties and the respected members of the committee for ensuring the quality of their economy and activities of the year 1401.

Dear professor Ziauddin Sirat also thanked the participants for solving challenges and implementing quality assurance plans.

The meeting was concluded with prayers by professor Abdul Qudoos Osuli, the deputy of student affairs at Kunduz University.

Information and Public Relations Management of Kunduz University

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