The Chancellor’s Message

3 weeks 6 days ago

Kunduz University, located in the center of the Northeast Zone, is among the top 11 universities in the country. Under the guidance of the Ministry of Higher Education and the commitment of the leadership team plus professors and civil service staff, this university contributes to educate Afghan youth and fully struggles to present them to the labor market as human resources. In fact, more than eight thousand students, consisting one thousand five hundred females, are graduated from the faculties of Law, Political Science, Economics, Stomatology, Computer Science, Education, Veterinary and Agriculture since 2003, and have successfully obtained their Bachelor’s Degrees meeting the demands of today’s standards. 

Kunduz University

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Wed, Feb 19 2025 12:29 PM
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دیدگاه وماموریت پوهنتون کندز

د کندوز پوهنتون ليدلوری

کندوز پوهنتون ژمن دی چې د هيواد د ودې او پرمختيا په موخه د اسلامي ارزښتونو په رڼا کې د تحصيلي، علمي، څېړنيزو او فکرپنځونې خدمتونو د ښه‌والي په برخه کې په ملي او. . .

Wed, Feb 19 2025 11:18 AM
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دیدگاه و ماموریت پوهنځی علوم وتر نری


پوهنځي علوم وترنری پوهنتون کندز در راستای رشد سکتور مالداری کادر های ورزیده را از طریق تدریس معیاری به جامعه تقدیم نموده و در تلاش است که  منحیث یک نهاد علمی و تحقیقی معتبر در. . .

VacanciesAll available vacancies

Mon, Aug 21 2023 9:45 AM
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اطلاعیه 22 بست جامعات دیني ولايت کندز

اطلاعیه 22 بست جامعات دیني ولايت کندز

به منظور سپردن کار به اهل آن و تحقق اهداف عالي ا.ا.ا در مورد اصلاح و ایجاد اداره سالم و جذب نیروي بشري لایق،شایسته، متخصص ریاست منابع بشري وزارت . . .

Sun, Jun 18 2023 2:47 PM
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Announcement of the academic staff of Kunduz University!

Announcement of the academic staff of Kunduz University!

For the first time in 1398 AH, the University of Kunduz needs a new scientific cadre for the following fields.

Faculty: . . .

Tue, Mar 28 2023 8:57 AM


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Alert! Kunduz University needs contract teachers in the following departments of the Faculty of Education and Training.


Kunduz University needs contract teachers in the following departments of the Faculty of Education and Training.

Psychology Department (57) people.

• Belogy branch (1) person

. . .

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