Introduction meeting of the faculty of agriculture

Tue, Mar 28 2023 9:11 AM

Introduction meeting of the faculty of agriculture, department heads and administrative staff was held for the new students of the faculty of Kunduz University.

On Monday 13/4/2019 which is in accordance with the date of 1398/1/2020, the new students of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kunduz University were introduced by the faculty of the faculty, department heads and administrative staff in a peaceful environment.

Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf Ziai, a new student of Agriculture Faculty of Kunduz University started with a few verses from the Holy Quran.

After him, Mr. Professor Gul Agha Sadiq, the director of the Faculty of Agriculture at Kunduz University, along with welcoming the new students, gave a speech on social literature, social ethics, mutual respect, and the responsibilities of youth in the society and the university environment.

In this introduction meeting, the cultural committee leader, administrative staffs of departments gave their educational speeches to the participants.

Kunduz University Public Relations and Information Management.


The Faculty of Agriculture of Kunduz University held an introductory meeting for the new students of the 1402 academic year in which the respected head of the Faculty of Agriculture, the heads of departments and administrative staff participated.

Monday, date 1444/9/5 Q which is a coincidence 1402 / 1/7 H. The Faculty of Agriculture of Kunduz University held an introductory meeting for the new students.

The meeting initially began with the recitation of verses from the word of God, and then the head of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kunduz University, respected Gul Agha Sadiq University welcomed the new students who succeeded in this faculty, and asked them to respect each other, order and spleen in the university. Observe that, besides, he asked the students to be responsible for their lessons and to consider the youth as the future builders of the country on various topics such as (ethics, religion, culture... He spoke for the students, in the same way, the head of the cultural department of Kunduz University and the respected department heads Nirne shared their valuable words with the students.

Information and Public Relations Management of Kunduz University

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