Kunduz University's academic magazine

Wed, Feb 22 2023 10:03 AM

Tuesday 30/7/1444 AH according to 2/12/1401 AH, the meeting of the editorial board of Kunduz University's academic magazine was held in the hall of the professional development directorate of Kunduz university.

The meeting started with the recitation of the holy verses of the Holy Quran and after discussion and ideas on other topics including agenda, necessary decisions were taken.

Kunduz University Public Relations and Awareness Management.


Tuesday, 30/7/1444/ AH according to 12/12/1401, the meeting of the writers of the scientific-research journal of Kunduz University with the participation of the respected members of the editorial board of the scientific journal in the professional development hall of the professors of Kunduzdayer University.

It turned out. The meeting began with the recitation of verses from the word of God and the necessary decisions were made on the agenda after discussion and expression of views.

Information and Public Relations Management of Kunduz University

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