In Kunduz University, a two-day workshop

Mon, Feb 27 2023 2:27 PM

In Kunduz University, a two-day workshop has been started for the newly recruited administrative personnel to become more professional.

Saturday 1444/8/4 which is in accordance with the date 1401/12/6 the Kunduz University Professional Development Directorate held a two-day workshop for the newly recruited administration personnel to become more professional in computer programs. First day in the hall is complete.

Professor Wali Muhammad Wadeed, Chief of Human Resources and Finance and Administrative Affairs of the University Mr. Muhammad Anwar Omar Khel, executives and directors attended the conference.

Also, the newly recruited administrative personnel in the university has been made to improve their skills which will last for two days.

Kunduz University Public Relations and Public Relations Management.


Developing a two-day training workshop for new employees of Kunduz University's presidency began.

Saturday 1444/09/26, according to 1401/12/6, a three-day educational workshop was launched to improve the capacity and administrative skills of the new employees of the head of the university in Kunduz University by the professional development of the professors of this scientific institution. It will continue for two days.

On the first day of the workshop, which was organized under the name of computer education, Mr. Vali Mohammad Vaid, the head of professional development of professors, Mr. Mohammad Anwar Omar Khel, the head of human resources and the head of the financial and administrative assistant, the directors and a number of new officials and employees of the Al-Taqrar were participating.

Public Relations Information Management of Kunduz University

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