Students of all departments including the director of the Faculty of Agriculture planted the wheat group in a research farm along with bean planting.

Wed, Apr 05 2023 9:20 AM

Students of all departments including the director of the Faculty of Agriculture planted the wheat group in a research farm along with bean planting.

Department leaders, teachers and students including Mr. Professor Gul Aqsa Sadiq, the director of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kunduz University participated. Along with planting beans in the research form, the wheat group was closed.

President of Kunduz University Mr. Professor Ziauddin Seerat and Assistant Academic Affairs Mr. Professor Ghulam Nabi Chapand expressed their happiness with such practical programs and added that the leadership of the university has the desire to develop any kind of groundwork in professional training of all the faculties. The goal is that the youth of the country should do practical work in their professional fields along with theory and become a source of service to the society in the future.

Kunduz University Public Relations and Information Management.

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