On Sunday at 12h. The Minister of Higher Education Mr. Sheikh Sahib Molvi Nada Muhammad Nadeem held a video conference with the presidents and vice presidents of the country universities.

یکشنبه ۱۴۰۱/۹/۲۰ - ۱۲:۴۷

On Sunday at 12h. The Minister of Higher Education Mr. Sheikh Sahib Molvi Nada Muhammad Nadeem held a video conference with the presidents and vice presidents of the country universities.

This conference started with the recitation of Holy Quran verses. The new superintendent minister of higher education welcomed the students and his aim is to introduce them to the presidents and vice presidents of all the universities in the country, the necessary instructions related to education, the complete obedience of the elders, the full attention of the workers to their responsibilities, and on time. T the existing problems of universities Share with the ministry and also the presidents of the universities their current problems are shortage of teachers and completion of incomplete projects. Share such problems with Mr. Wazir Sahib.

Mr. Wazir promised to solve the problems of the country's universities and the meeting ended with the prayer of Mr. Minister.

Kunduz University Publications Management.

Sunday, 6/4/1444 AH. Introductory video conference of Sheikh Saheb Molavi Nada Mohammad Nadeem, the head of the Ministry of Higher Education. A. He met with the presidents and assistants of universities and higher education institutions of the country.

The beginning of the conference began with the recitation of the verses of the Holy Word of God and the honorable minister welcomed the attendees and the aim of this conference was to introduce Baroisa and respected members of universities and countries to provide necessary guidelines to obey the supreme orders, execute matters as soon as possible, the attention of employees to the responsible. The Yets did their job. According to the work plan of the universities and also the university presidents, the problems such as the shortage of professors, completion of half-time projects, etc. were reported to the head of the ministry of higher education, and the head of the Ministry of Higher Education promised comprehensive cooperation.

And finally, the conference with the prayers of the honorable Minister of Higher Education. A. It ended.

Kunduz University Publications Management

تازه خبرونه

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۵/۱ - ۱۶:۳۰
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شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۴/۲۳ - ۱۶:۳۳
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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۴/۲۱ - ۸:۵۴
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د فاریاب پوهنتون کرنې پوهنځي رئیس، استادانو او محصلینو د کندوز پوهنتون څخه خپل علمي سیر تر سره کړ

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