Minister of Higher Education His Excellency Sheikh ul Quran Wal Hadith Mr. Nida Muhammad Nadeem, also academic assistant Dr. Lotfullah Khairkhwa. Mr. Hashimi, the spokesman of the Ministry of Higher Education and Finance, Mr. Abdul Bari Khpalwak and his a

Sun, Dec 11 2022 1:14 PM

Minister of Higher Education His Excellency Sheikh ul Quran Wal Hadith Mr. Nida Muhammad Nadeem, also academic assistant Dr. Lotfullah Khairkhwa. Mr. Hashimi, the spokesman of the Ministry of Higher Education and Finance, Mr. Abdul Bari Khpalwak and his accompanying delegation visited Kunduz province during an official visit. Important meetings were held in the following trip.

27/04/1444 AH. Q 01/09/1401 L . The minister of higher education, his excellency Sheikh ul Quran and Hadith Mr. Nida Muhammad Nadeem, academic assistant Dr. Lotfullah Khairkhwa and his accompanying delegates, with the leaders of Kunduz province, the leadership of Kunduz University, Northeast zone universities and private institutions. Different meetings were held with scholars and students.

The meeting started with the recitation of few holy verses of the Holy Quran according to agenda. After him, the president of Kunduz University Mr. Ziauddin Seerat, the Minister of Higher Education and his colleagues, along with welcoming the delegation, talked about the importance of academic education and unity of the Islamic system.

And the Governor of Kunduz Mr. Mullah Nisar Ahmad Nasrat welcomed the Minister of Higher Education and talked about the importance of education and asked Mr. Wazir to consider the basic needs of Kunduz University.

After him, the academic deputy of the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr. Lotfullah Khairkhwa thanked the leadership of Kunduz province for their hospitality and continued to talk about the importance of education and knowledge in the Islamic society and asked the scholars to be modern. They tried their best to remove the distance between Islamic and Islamic sciences and asked the authorities to strongly support the scientific foundations.

In this regard, Minister of Higher Education Sheikh-ul-Quran Wal-Hadith Mr. Nada Muhammad Nadeem thanked the leadership of Kunduz province, scholars, Kunduz University, Northeast Zone Government and Private Universities, the honorable people of Kunduz Province and the students for their warm welcome. Mr. Minister on his own. In the news, the educational departments considered the important assets of the country and emphasized on strengthening it. Mr. Wazir asked scholars, teachers, students to fight the current intellectual war between Islam and Afghanistan enemies and to equip the society with Islamic values and knowledge. This is the best way to go. He talked about the value and promised to cooperate in solving the problems of education institutions in the north east zone.

Finally, the meeting ended with the prayers of Mr. Molvi Abdul Khaliq Ibrahim, the head of finance of Kunduz province.

A separate meeting was held by the leadership of Kunduz University for the Minister of Higher Education Mr. Nida Muhammad Nadeem and his co-delegation in the courtyard of Kunduz university so that Mr. Wazir Sahib could share his speeches with the students of Kundoz University. According to the agenda, the speaker spoke about the benefits of education and education from the perspective of Islam.

Also on Wednesday, 26/4/2017, HQ, 20/4/2018 The minister of higher education Mr. Sheikh-ul-Quran Wal-Hadith Mr. Nida Muhammad Nadeem held a consultation meeting with the scholars of North-East Zone. The meeting was held with the scholars in the meeting hall of Kunduz province.

Migrants talked about various important issues of the country and urged to remove the distance between educational institutions and religious schools. Mr. Wazir requested scholars to cooperate closely with educational institutions and to discuss the ideas of youth. Correction Make efforts and also Mr. Wazir Sahib asked the participants to strongly support and obey the orders of Al Qadar Amir ul Momin Sheikh ul Quran Wal Hadith Mr. Maulvi Hebatullah Akhandzada Hifzullah.


His Excellency Sheikh Al-Quran and Hadith Nada Mohammad Nadeem, the head of the Ministry of Higher Education. A. A. Respected Dr. Lotfollah Kheirkhah Moeen Alemi, the spokesman of the Ministry of Higher Education, Mr. Hashemi, Mr. Abdul Bari Khaplvak, the head of finance and accounting of the ministry and his accompanying delegation came to Kunduz province on an official trip. During this trip, the following important meetings were held.

Tuesday, 27/04/1444 AH according to 01/09/1401, His Excellency Sheikh Al-Quran and Hadith Nada Mohammad Nadeem, the head of the Ministry of Higher Education. A. While Dr. Lotfollah Kheirkhah Moeen Alemi and his colleagues were accompanying them, the introductory meeting was held in the hall of the honorable official of Kunduz province with the leadership of Kunduz Province, the scholars of the Northeast zone, the leadership of the University of Kunduz, the leadership of Northeast zone universities, the institutions. Special Hasili, Students And the youth held it.

According to the agenda, the mentioned gathering began with the recitation of the verses from the Holy Quran. Subsequently, Mr. Ziauddin Sirat, the head of Kunduz University, the welcoming of the Minister of Higher Education. A. He and his accompanying delegation made comprehensive talks about the importance and position of education and strengthening the Islamic system. In the order of Mr. Mullah Nisar Ahmad Nusrat, the governor of Kunduz Province, as well as the reception and welcoming of the Minister of Higher Education, he spoke about the importance of science and made a serious request from the minister to fulfill the basic needs of Kunduz University, followed by Dr. Lotfollah. God bless you Scientific Deputy of the Ministry of Higher Education. A. A, also appreciated the reception of the governor and the leadership of Kunduz University, talked about the value and place of science and knowledge in Islamic societies, and called on the scholars to support educational institutions and religious schools and to eliminate the differences between schools and Educational institutions should try and try.

In this way, His Excellency Sheikh Al-Quran and Hadith Nada Mohammad Nadeem, the head of the Ministry of Higher Education. A. A, the leaders of Kunduz province, the scholars, the leadership of Kunduz University and the leadership of universities in the Northeast zone, private educational institutions, students, youth and honorable people of Kunduz Province thanked the warm welcome of the leadership of Kanduz province: Educational institutions and religious schools are the most important scientific organization. A. It has been that they make efforts in the expansion of science. He also asked the scholars, leaders and professors of universities to fight against the existing intellectual war and to tell the society the benefits of the Islamic system and the value of science in maintaining and excellence of the system. They promised comprehensive cooperation in solving the challenges in educational institutions in the northeast zone.

Finally, the gathering was concluded with the prayers of Mr. Molavi Abdul Khaliq Ebrahim, the head of finance and welfare of Kunduz province.

Subsequently, during a separate gathering held at Kunduz University by the leadership of this and the Deputy of Student Affairs to welcome the honorable Sheikh Al-Quran and Hadith Nada Muhammad Nadeem, the head of the Ministry of Higher Education. A. A, and their accompanying crew was surrounded. According to the agenda, the speakers spoke about the position of science and education from the perspective of Islam religion.

Also on Wednesday 28/04/1444 AH according to 02/09/1401, the consultative meeting of His Excellency Sheikh Al-Quran and Hadith Nada Mohammad Nadeem, the head of the Ministry of Higher Education. A. A, with the scholars of the northeast zone in the meeting hall of respected officials of Kunduz province. In this meeting, the scholars and participants talked about important and fundamental issues of the country and removing the distance between educational institutions and religious schools, and emphasized the intellectual confrontation against the enemies of the Islamic system and the Islamic and human responsibility of every Afghan, especially the religious scholars. Water Karam has close cooperation with educational institutions and should be diligent in reforming the beliefs of the youth. Also, the honorable minister called on the participants to support and obey the supreme commanders of Amir al-Mu'min Sheikh-ul-Quran and the honorable Hadith of Molavi Hebatollah Akhandzadeh.

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