Leadership of Kunduz University - University teachers, private universities teachers met with the respected governor of Kunduz province.

یکشنبه ۱۴۰۱/۱۲/۱۴ - ۱۴:۵۱

Leadership of Kunduz University - University teachers, private universities teachers met with the respected governor of Kunduz province.

On Saturday, 13/05/2018, which is the date of 141/12/2018, the president of Kunduz University, Mr. Pohnyar Ziauddin Seerat, with the head of the faculties, teachers, teachers of private universities and officials of Kunduz province, Mr. Nisar Ahmad Nasrat. The province visited the meeting hall.

The meeting started with the welcoming and speech of the head of the office of Kunduz province Mr. M.V.L.Y. Abdul Ghafoor Shahidzawi.

After him, the president of Kunduz University Mr. Professor Ziauddin Seerat shared the annual report of the year 1341 with the province officials and the participants.

In the meeting, on behalf of the teachers of Kunduz University, Mr. Professor Syed Kamal Manawi, the director of the faculty of Education and Training of Kunduz, shared the problems and problems of the teachers with Kunduz province.

Several other participants also made important speeches related to the agenda.

The memorial meeting ended with thanks, speech and prayers of the respected governor of Kunduz province Mr. Nisar Ahmad Nasrat.

Kunduz University Public Awareness and Relations Management.

تازه خبرونه

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۵/۱ - ۱۶:۳۰
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